How Do I Know if My Air Conditioner Needs to Be Replaced?

Is your air conditioner on its last leg? It can be challenging to keep up with the demand of cooling your home during the summer if you have an inefficient air conditioning system. But, before you call Replace A/C, find out how to tell if your cooling system needs servicing by following these five easily identifiable signs of a broken AC unit.

1. You’ve Called for Service More Than Once in The Last 5 Years

Depending on where you live, your air conditioner could be used regularly throughout the year or only during hot months, depending on whether it’s located in the South or North. If you’re calling for service on your HVAC unit more than once every couple of years, then it’s time to start looking into getting your cooling system replaced by professionals.

2. Your Energy Bills Have Been Skyrocketing

Many homeowners fail to realize that a broken air conditioner can be a significant drain on their energy bills. If you notice your monthly expenses have been on the rise, yet there haven’t been any changes to your household, chances are it’s time for an upgrade of your cooling system before you get slammed with massive repair bills.

3. Inexplicably High Utility Bills In Summer Months

High utility bills in the summer months are another sign of a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. If you find yourself paying more than double what you usually would cool your home or business, then it might be time for an upgrade. The last thing anyone wants is to pay over hundreds of dollars during the hottest months of the year simply because their air conditioner doesn’t work well enough to sustain the heat.

4. It Doesn’t Seem to Be Dehumidifying Properly Anymore

Is your air conditioner letting out more sweat than usual these days? If you notice an increase in humidity levels throughout the day, yet there isn’t anything running that would cause this to happen, it might be time for a new unit. Not only will installing a further cooling system help with dehumidification, but it can also help lower temperatures within your home by several degrees.

5. Your Outdoor Condensing Unit is Covered in Rust or Has Been Ruined by Weather Damage

If you find yourself covered in rust while inspecting your outdoor condensing unit, then chances are it’s time for a replacement. Not only does rust look bad, but it can hinder your team from operating as efficiently as possible. Air conditioners with corroded condensing units don’t run as smoothly, and heat is not vented correctly throughout your home or business space as intended.

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