How Long Should a Furnace Last?.
Like any major home appliance, the life expectancy of a furnace depends upon how well it is initially installed and serviced. Proper maintenance can make the difference between a system lasting 15 years or 20. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) estimates that furnaces last approximately 20 years. Many manufacturers issue warranties for 10 to 15 years on their heating equipment. However, conditioned air will circulate through the ducts in your home for decades before being reconditioned by your furnace again, so it’s often wise to go beyond manufacturer recommendations when planning replacement strategies.
Replacing Your Furnace
We have found that most homeowners are ready to replace their furnaces after experiencing one repair too many. A broken gas valve, failed motor, or clogged filter can prompt homeowners to seek new furnaces for their homes.
Need a New Furnace?
Check out our Directory of Local Heating Contractors to find a Furnace Replacement Company near you.
What Affects the Lifespan of Your Furnace?
Many factors, all under your control, can affect the lifespan of your furnace:
Quality and installation: The quality and care with which fuel is burned in a heating appliance affects how efficiently it will heat your home and how long it will last. Systems installed by professionals who do not follow local building codes or manufacturer guidelines are more likely to overwork their components and fail early. For example, many homes have too few supply ducts or return vents for their size—neglecting these components causes furnaces to work harder than they should, shortening their service life.
Because your furnace is the heart of your home’s heating system, it needs to be replaced only when you have reached the point where repairs are no longer cost-effective. But how do you know when this time has come? Here are some guidelines:
Why Should You Replace Your Furnace?
Good Questions: Can I Repair My Furnace Instead of Replacing It?
Many homeowners think that repairs can help them avoid a furnace replacement. While a well-qualified HVAC contractor should be able to fix many problems, there are situations in which even the most highly skilled technicians reach the limits of their expertise. In these cases, you may need to replace your furnace to ensure comfort and proper operation:
Your age: If you are young, you probably have time to budget for heating system replacements. However, if you plan early and schedule regular maintenance visits, you will likely avoid unpleasant surprises due to sudden component failure.
As we get older, our bodies become less resilient, making us more susceptible to changes in temperature.